Previously, on The Dork Legacy: [ 1.0 | 1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4 | 1.5 ] [ 2.0 | 2.1 | 2.2 | 2.3 | 2.4 | 2.5 | 2.6 | 2.7 ] [ 3.0 | 3.1 | 3.2 ] Sorry it's been so asthma has gotten a lot worse lately, enough that I've been seeking medical treatment (ie - acupuncture, because I can't afford a "real" doctor with no insurance), and I've got more hours at work, and to top it all off, now I'm also sick with flu-like symptoms. So it's been a tough (I totally typed "thug") week or two. But enough with the oh poor me's... Another reason I haven't been around the internet is because I got a chip for my DS that lets me put on TONS of games on ONE CARTRIDGE, and the sudden ability to play ANY GAME IN THE WORLD has me drunk with power. * But on to the recap! Last time, Bao-Dur came back to life! Nettie Bach, who was created by , was met and promptly eaten by the cowplant. It was discovered that Shelby (among some other females of the house), had a vagina. Einstein, Vanessa, Willoughby, and Algren all became old fogeys, while their grandchildren (Verdana, Trebuchet, and Times New Roman) all became toddlers. *You may wonder what, given this great power, I've been playing? Mostly...Cooking Mama. >.< We begin this update with yet ANOTHER loading screen shot. Man. I sure do seem to love those. Wow...way to steal the show there, HK-47. >.> Yeah. I can't wait for these kittens. :D I guess I didn't take any more in-between pictures, because here they are! RED KITTENS YOU GUYS. RED ONES. One of these things is not like the others... SUPER AGNES! Also, that is apparently Shelby. Thank you, ToolTip. I would never have known. that Bao-Dur...with a SHIRT ON? :OOO Also, Balthazar...eyebrows...? I thought this was weird...because he was all ready BFF with Willoughby...and then I noticed the little icon in the corner of the want. WTF?! I guess he really thinks his mom is a bitch. :P Verdana, all ready eating girls. Sigh. Welcome to Bilbo's first makeover of the update. I kept trying to find something I was happy with. Zzort! >O THAT'S YOUR WIFE. It was about time. Almost everyone in the house was still working. Awww, bless. Roman: LOL THIS CAT IS SILLY! Willoughby went down to ONE bolt with Algren, which made me sad. So I changed her turn-ons and turn-offs to get them back up to at least two. And to make her stop trying to mack on HK. NO FILCHER! Don't follow your mom's footsteps! Just say no to the toddler addiction! Bilbo: I'm gonna get laid~! Bilbo: Hey babe...can I get some spatula from you? Bilbo: I'll make it worth your while. Where's Bao-Dur during all of this? Playing video games. Constantly. There's a Snapdragon behind the couch. D: ...Someone's starting early with the crazy. Roman: Green crayons taste like wax! :( HAI VANESSA. I MISS YOU. She's gonna retire soon! Just want to get her that last LTW first...! I think it's obvious who has the most creativity skills here. Willough: AND WHY THE HELL DOES EVERYONE THINK I'M A DOG?! Another mak....make....ooohhhh... *drools* ...What was I saying? Oh yeah, new makeover. HAWT. Bao-Dur: What's happenin', dudes and dudettes? Algren: *Wow...he's so cool...!* Second Zzort! That thing's BIGGER than an XBOX?! That's HUGE. PS - did you know that if you calculate the total mass of the XBOX and the 360 (+charger brick), they are almost exactly the same size? True story! Eurekaaa....Eureka's Castle.... Well I wonder which parent they favour? Bao-Dur: "Take me to your leader"? What the hell is that? More like, "take me to your hot babes," amirite? OH GOD. THE SWEETNESS. Willoughby, I didn't know you could be so lovable. Also, please note Ball of Stink's pet there in the background! Willoughby: THAT BITCH BABY KICKED ME. ...Oh, Willoughby. PS - Remind me never to name a sim something so hard to type ever again. >.< Shelby:


Shelby: LOL, and then he told me to move out! Willoughby: Really? No, that's not a glitch. I just have awesome toddlers. Willoughby: No! No peeing on the floor! What the hell kind of cat pees on the floor?! Oh, I see. It was early onset incontinence. You may notice that I skillfully worked in both TWICE the toddlers, and TWICE the kittens, for MAXIMUM CUTENESS FACTOR. Tre: Do you has a flavor? Kitten: 9_9 Fishing is serious business. Fishing is srs business. Fishing is srs bzns. Fshng s srs bzns. Algren: What's that over there? Verdada: HOLY CRAP I'M HIGH UP ALL OF A SUDDEN. YES. FINALLY, CHILDREN. This would be little Trebuchet. And heir Roman. And here is Verdana, all made over. <3 Shelby: Now that my kids are children, it's time for a clone BABY. Oh, hello there, female version of Roman because I didn't use the LotDebugger Arial! I'm afraid that you are likely doomed to be the ignored one, since you are an exact copy of your eldest brother, who I am all ready favouring for heir. My apologies. Verdana: WOW THIS CAT IS SO SMALL HOLY CRAP GUYS LOOK AT HOW SMALL IT IS! She's still not quite used to the whole not-being-a-toddler thing. Trebuchet plays basketball like 24/7. I think his body skill may all ready be maxed. My elders were jealous of 's, and so decided to start their rival band, The Crust Punks! Algren is the dancer! Bao-Dur: Hey there robot-dude. What are you doing on this totally tubular night? Not to make yet ANOTHER other-legacy reference, but Bilbo is TOTALLY getting high off that kitten. Bilbo: Hello kitten. Tickle tickle. Tickle. ._. Bilbo: Dear LJ, I like leaves! Please comment, I love comments! D: What are you guys complaining about?! I don't think I EVER got a B+ in school.* *I am lying, but don't tell them. >.< UM, I AM PRETTY SURE SHE KNOWS HOW TO DO THAT ALL READY (the other want is for Willoughby to Learn to Roll Over). Bilbo: AND THEN YOU SMASH IT, AND WHEN IT DIES, YOU STAB IT TO ABSORB THE SAND OF TIME, AND THEN YOU CAN REWIND TO AVOID DYING. And that's how you do homework! ^_^ Headmaster: Hello, little girl! Verdana: Oh, hello there, headmaster! I didn't even recognize you because you're sooo handsome! <33 Headmaster: :D She likes me! Headmaster: Oh but what if no one else likes me, what if they make fun of me oh no oh no... ;-; This is her giving him a tour...but more importantly, it is a BEAUTIFUL PICTURE, and you should LIKE IT. I'm not really surprised that she's looking that up on the internet. I am a little shocked to note that she's apparently developed a Setting Fire motive, and it's in the red. O.o Verdana: You know, Headmaster...I could grow up to be very curvy. Verdana: And then I could rub a man's magic lamp... Verdana: And he'd take me on a cruise! Verdana: And then we could have a wonderful relationship! Let's get closer to that face. Oh, Verdana. I love you. Verdana: That'll all be when I grow up, of course. Thanks to Verdana's shameless flirting, they got in! O.o NEAT! Also, thank you, Grump, for never doing that during life. Bao-Dur: Man, I can't wait to do one of these of me... Bao-Dur: Hey, what's this thing do? Death: HELLO? Bao-Dur: Hey man! How's it going? Death: OH. HELLO. SOMEHOW I WAS NOT EXPECTING YOU TO CALL. Bao-Dur: Oh? That's cool, that's cool. Hey, who's over there right now? Death: ...MANY MANY PEOPLE. Bao-Dur: Party, huh? Sweet. Any hot babes? Death: WELL, THERE IS ONE, YES. Bao-Dur: Sweet! You should let me talk to her! And so he did. Bao-Dur: DUDE, that skeleton dude wasn't kidding, man! She's hot! Nettie: I can hear you, you know. Bao-Dur: You know...I have something long and blue with a star on top, and it's just for you, baby. Nettie: Oh, really? :D Nettie: Wanna go out sometime? How about right now? Bao-Dur: Sure babe! I'll drive you anywhere you want! Nettie: How about you drive me crazy in bed? Bao-Dur: :DDD Nettie: *is a Romance sim* ...Okay, AWWWWW. Dead people first kisses! <333 I am kind of totally in love with these two. It helps that Nettie is all kinds of hot. And a makeover! Of course, these two would need a room of their own, so I had to build a second floor. And this happened the moment I exited out of Buy Mode. O.o Bao-Dur: Oh dude...I can't make it in to the magic show tonight! I all my doves! ...And now again, with the clothes on. I guess Nettie likes to try before she buys. As does Bao-Dur...? Virgins! A match made in Heaven? Literally? :DD Nice undies...! Um...WTF? Guess Bao-Dur has good soldiers? :O